Thursday, August 27, 2015


I don't think there's ever any human who goes through dating life unscathed. Of all the romantic battle scars we carry, the pain of WHAT IF, WHY NOT, and HOW COME are the ones that take the longest time to disappear. Unfortunately, Contractubex doesn't work on any of them. 

There's always the WHAT IF. The person you never confessed your feelings to, the one with whom a love story almost begun but abruptly halted. The ALMOST but NOT QUITE. The one that, you're dead certain, would have been THE ONE if you only did something, have done more, or did not give up right away.

Then there's WHY NOT. You know, the one with whom you can't begin something amazing with primarily because there are more reasons than Google hits when you type Britney Spears. Maybe it's bad timing or different priorities but you're just sure that if you had talked about it, you would have made it work.

And lastly, HOW COME. The one that just never happens despite everything you've gone through-together or not. The one that leaves you fallen apart, alone to pick up the pieces.

Unfortunately, more often than not, all three is just one person- THE ONE THAT GOT AWAY. The one that gives you chills when you wake up in the middle of the night- for years.The one you pine for; for no other reason than the fact that HE/SHE GOT AWAY. You always want something you don't have and if there's the possibility of it never being yours, the attraction factor just quadruples. It's like buying the lottery ticket- you know you have minimal to nil chances of winning, but it's the adrenaline and the mere possibility that have you caught up. 

But we do get lottery winners, right? What if, one day, you're that and THE ONE THAT GOT AWAY comes back and say something straight out of a Nicholas Sparks novel?(Ugh!) When these things do happen, it's always unexpected and just when you have resigned to the fact that it's never going to come around. What to do?!

Life and love don't have to be dramatic- bawl-out-drag-down fights, jealous rages, etc- all are not worth it.

The one that got away is a stuff of legend and it's the quality of being unattainable that keeps you glued. It's an addiction- a high you keep on chasing. But highs are temporary and that thought is scary. 

because memories :)

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